...when Janet realized that she HAD lost her way.
She did not remember why she had gone there.
...Janet carefully knocked 'at' (ON) the door. Nobody opened (tutaj potrzeba albo the door albo it).
Door 'creaked opened' (creaked as it opened). "Is anyone 'here' (generalnie mowimy 'there')?" - ... Janet enteRED. THE air inside was musty.
..It was very huge and dAump.
She saw a hundreDs of cages with imprISSONED animals.
...Janet covered her mouTH in terror.
..Janet heard A CRY. She approaches the soUrce of the sound and she saw a LITTLE girl. "You will die" - THE girl murmured.
She noticed an opened 'cages' (jak cages l. mnoga to bez 'an', jak l. poj to cage). ...Suddenly a monStrous spider approached...
..Calm dowN-she heard-"It was just a dream (lepiej nightmare)