'A' well-paid job is being an actor. Firstly a person who wantS to be
an actor must have THE appropriate skills for this job, 'A' diploma and
practise. Also AN actor should be proficient (in what?). SecONDLY, the skills
(of....)are very important in this job. An actor haS (3os lpoj)to express 'felling' (feelingS) and know 'some' languages (body language?).
Despite 'of the actor plays' (being very good at playing roles) they should ALSO BE ABLE TO dance and sing.
Thirdly the actor must be self - coNfident and 'outing' (OUTGOING).
Shouldn't (kto? co? nie piszesz - jak aktor to napisz) worry about gossip and THE paparazzi. Thanks to AN actor people can 'lough' (LAUGH) and have 'a' (bez 'a') fun. 'However' (lepsze slowo tutaj ALTHOUGH) 'they' (tzn kto? people czy actors?) are rich, busy and famous, they help many foundationS. 'Also they' (zla kolejnosc slow they also) advertisE A healtHy way of life. To sum up I think THAT they have many of skills and they earn 'suffice'(sufficient - lepiej, their earnings are sufficient). They spenD many hours on a 'plan cinemagraphic' (zla kolejnosc slow cinema.plan - albo on location). The conditions of the job 'now' (teraz ale do czego porownujesz?) are good because they GET TO know new people and sometimes THEY have 'a' (bez 'a' - dlaczego napisalas?) fun.