a letter ; rate it please

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear Sir,

I am writing to you once again concerning the invoice which fell due last month. Our numerous attemps to resolve this matter have not been successful, thus we are forced to take a different course of action.

As a gesture of good will we are prepared to give you a final opportunity to settle your account. However, your failure in paymant within the next seven working days may prompt us to initiate proceedings to recover the dept, which will involve you in considerable legal costs.

Yours faithfully,


Help me improve this letter :-) Thank you
As a gesture of good will (,) we are prepared to give (moze: OFFER) you a (THE?) final opportunity to
However, your failure in paymEnt within the next seven working days may prompt us to initiate proceedings (IN ORDER?) to recover the deBt, which MAY involve you in considerable legal costs.
attempts,debt, payment - typos :P

>As a gesture of good will (,) we are prepared to give

nie potrafie tego wytlumaczyc, ale jakos mi ten przecinek nie pasuje.

>you a (THE?) final opportunity to

dlaczego the? przecierz mowimypierwszy raz o tej ostatniej szansie.

s (IN ORDER?) to recover the deBt,

moglo by byc, ale imho zbędne.

>which MAY involve you in considerable legal costs.

użyłem will ponieważ uważam, że obranie innego trybu postępowania NAPEWNO mu w jakis sposob zaszkodszi ;P

dzieki za zainterseowanie
dlaczego the? przecierz mowimypierwszy raz o tej ostatniej szansie

chodzi mi o to, ze final chance moze byc tylko jedna
>I am writing to you once again concerning the invoice which fell due
>last mont

co to jest 'fell due'..? Msz na mysli 'was overdue last month'?
1. (payable) the rent is ~ on/isn't ~ till Wednesday termin płacenia czynszu mija we środę/dopiero we środę; the next instalment falls ~ at the end of the month termin wpłacenia następnej raty przypada na koniec miesiąca; when ~ w odpowiednim terminie; the balance ~ należna kwota; debts ~ to the company/by the company aktywa/pasywa firmy
which MAY involve you in considerable legal costs.

użyłem will ponieważ uważam, że obranie innego trybu postępowania NAPEWNO mu w jakis sposob zaszkodszi ;P

Tak, ale na razie jeszcze do tego nie doszlo.

Moze lepiej: ... failure to complete the payment WILL leave us no option but to ...., which MAY/ WOULD involve...
takk, to mialem na mysli
takk, to mialem na mysli
>takk, to mialem na mysli

chyba nie. To co podales (fall due at the end..) oznaczaloby, ze platnosc byla nalezna last month (byla due/outstanding, ale jeszcze nie overdue/delinquent)

Payments may fall on certain days/days..ale w Twoim zdaniu lepiej napisac 'was due last month.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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