It was sunny sunday morning. SKY WAS COVERED BY FEW WHITE CLOUDS.
>The light coming OUT OF the sun WAS COMING DOWN on golden sand. The straw umbrelas
>were lined ON the beach. Two mEn, Bob and Mark were sitting on beach.
>They wanted to SURF. A sea was wavy. It was ideal weather for
>surfing. The people were GETTING TANNED ON the beatch. They were happy, but
>anybody WASNT SWIMMING in the blue sea.
> Three days ago a big sharp appeared small boy, who's BEEN SWIMMING in
>the sea, grabbed him and killed HIM WITH huge SHarp jaws. A dangerous
>animal'S NAME WAS Lucky. The mEn didn't know about this history. When they
>were HEADING TOWARDS sea, Mark saw a sign HANGIN on the LIFEGUARD'S tower. The
>words on this sign follows - "No swiming - sharps". Bob and Mark
>GOT INSANE. They WERE HANGING on the golden sand for one hour.
>Suddenly they jumped to the sea and start surfing. A huge waves WERE BREAKING on THEIR boards. The life-guard whistled ON them but they didn't
> Mark saw a giant animal coming DOWN to him. Sharp started to
>appear TO them. Mark started SCREAMING. Bob screamed: "Mark, Jump onto my
>board and push yours towards the shark!". A LIFEGUARD'S BOAT WAS LAUNCHED TO RESCUE THEM.
>Mark and Bob were paddling towards the beach. They HIT THE beach.
>Bob sighted with relief. They were safe. THEY SPENT ONE WEEK IN hospital. For many days people were talking about
>this story. They WILL never FORGET about this day.