Reklama Nokia

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Mobile phones Noki
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Mobile phones Nokia are the best of mobile phones. They are light, hardly and thei casing are designed by famous designer. They have a lot of functions and people often buy these mobile phones. You should buy mobile phone Nokia, because it good choice.

Z góry dziękuję. Dobrze by było, gdyby odpowiedź była szybka.
Mobile phones Nokia are the best 'of' (to niepotr) mobile phones. They are light, 'hardly' (hardly what?) and theiR casing are designed by A famous designer. They have a lot of functions (np jakie?) and people often buy these mobile phones. You should buy 'mobile phone Nokia' (zla kolejnosc slow Nokia mobile phones), because it IS A good choice.
Dzięki za odpowiedź, a co do nokii to wolę komórki firmy sony ericson, gdyż są tańsze i mają więcej funkcji. Ale muszę napisać o nokii :(


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