Proszę o sprawdzenie I poprawienie błędów ;)
Temat pracy był:
Napisz recenzję utworu literackiego, sztuki teatralnej lub filmu, którego akcja toczy się wokół konfliktu między członkami rodziny.
William Shakespeare was the greatest English-language playwright of all time. He was equally
successful writing comedy and tragedy. „Romeo and Juliet” is one of his most famous tragedies. The action of this drama take place in XVI century Italy in Werona, where live two hating themselves families - Montague and Capulet.
The plot of this work of art focuses on the unhappy love between Romeo and Juliet, whose become from two opposite familys. Emotions which are joining them are so strong, that in spite of the fact that members of their families hate themselves one another, youngs are falling in love. Romeo and Juliet do not listen their parents and object them. They are able to do everything to save their love and to be together.
What I like the most about the book is that, it bring up timeless issue, and this problem we can put in every epochs. Dialogues between characters are excellent. The whole script is exciting. The plot is very believable and sometimes ridiculous. It is a classical masterpiece of its kind. I can thorougly recommend this book because it is well worth reading. It will change the way you thing about how strong true love can be and how parents do not understand their children feelings. Read the book and find out!
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