proszę o szybkie sprawdzenie paru zdan!! please!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
How are you? Are you happy that you are coming to Poland?
In the last time we had about 17`C and today it was snowing!!
Really... I don’t know what to say. I hope the weather will be better.
(Będzie odbywać się mecz siatkówki w naszej szkole)
If you want to take part in, you must have sport trousers, sport shoes etc.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you so please write soon.
Wieso seid ihr so unfreundlich?
(In) the last time it was 17'C and today it is snowing.
It will be the volleyball match in our school.
or It is going to be the volleyball match in our school.
TH\\there will be a volleyball game/match
it = to bedzie mecz...
Are you happy with coming to Poland?
>for last few days there was about 17`C but today it was snowing!!
>Really... I don't know what to say. I hope the weather will get
>(Będzie odbywać się mecz siatkówki w naszej szkole)
>If you want to join us, you must have shorts, sneakers
>I'm looking forward to hearing news from you so please write back soon.

...moze jest jakis blad ale lepiej brzmi
Tak. Mój błąd. Powinno być there will be...
Przepraszam za pomyłkę
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Praca za granicą


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie