Nowadays in Poland more and more 'persons' (nie, lepiej people) are retired. 'An' (to jest l. poj a masz men l. mnoga- lepiej All) 'orderly' (nie, elderly) men 'have a problem' (nie rozumiem tego) to work until 'to' (niepot) achieving 'the' (bez the) retirement age.
'It' (nie rozumiem co?) has advantages and disadvantages .
Firstly, people who 'earlier retired' (zla kol. slow) can 'earlier start resting' (zla kol slow). They have more time for theIR family, they can 'longer spend time' (zla kol slow) with grandsons and granddaughters and pamper 'it' (nie, jak o ludziach to nie 'it', lepiej them).
Furthermore they 'are having' (have) time for their hobbies or they can devote
themselves to 'doing with small garden' (lepiej gardening). Some can also travel and see the 'monuments' (mozna tez the world).
On the other hand, a lot of 'persons' (people) 'on' 'the early retirement' (who have retired earlier) 'it is' (l. mnoga) a great 'load' (znajdz inne slowo) for the state 'which' (lepiej because) they cause debt of the country.
Many 'persons' (people) on 'the' (bez the) early retirement 'it is' (l. mnoga od people) also a considerable 'decrease oneself' (nie rozumiem tego) ON GDP. 'It' (nie rozumiem co? chyba mowisz o 'solution'?) can cause TO increasE the retirement age or TO reducE the pension. And in the future even early retirements are 'missing' (cos tu nie tak).
In conclusion the early retirements 'as everything' have advantages and
disadvantages . For one senior (person) the early retirement is a benefit but
for the entire society it is a great problem particularly when 'in the
country' (the country is under) 'depression demographic' (zla kol. slow)