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Hej, czy ktoś mógłby zrobić dobry uczynek i sprawdzić mi pracę na angielski? Temat: PUMA (opis, coś jak notatka encyklopedyczna):

The puma is the second largest member of the cat family. It is a big cat. It has got a small broad head with large, dark, round eyes and rounded ears, an orange-red nose and its mouth is surrounded hairs by white. Its fur is a tawny color with lighter under-parts and white on the chin and throat. It’s short and soft.

It lives in mountainous forests up to 16,000 feet to lowland swamps, grasslands, and desert in America from Canada to Patagonia (South America).

It’s up to 1-2 metres long and 35-50 kg (female), 60-75 kg (male) weight. In mountains South America they weight 105 kg!

It’s eats mammals. A small gift eat at once, but the largest prey wrap.

It has a powerful body with long hind legs to jump over forty feet and a long tail which is 50-80 cm long (that is tipped with black) for gained balance.

Puma lives to 12 years. Is predacious.

I like this animal, because looks very frightfully and remind me my old cat.


Female birth after 90-96 days 1 to 4 naked and blind cats.
Jest bardzo dużo błędów, czesto bardzo prostych:

-zapominasz o podmiocie, który zawsze musi występować w języku angielskim(no prawie):A small gift eat at once, but the largest prey wrap.
-mylisz kolejność wyrazów: its mouth is surrounded hairs by white
-mylisz czasy (co to za potworek?):It's eats mammals
-zapominasz o uzyciu odpowiedniego czasu:looks very frightfully and remindS me
-źle uzywasz słów (BIRTH)-Female birth after 90-96 days 1 to 4 naked and blind cats

to tylko część błędów , radze popracować nad tym zadaniem
The puma is the second largest member of the cat family. It is a big
>cat. It has got a small broad head with large, dark, round eyes and
>rounded ears, an orange-red nose and its mouth is surrounded by
>white hair. Its fur is tawny with lighter under-parts and white on
>the chin and throat. It's short and soft.
>Puma lives in mountainous forests up to 16,000 feet to lowland swamps,
>grasslands, and desert in America from Canada to Patagonia (South
>Puma is up to 1-2 metres long and weighs 35-50 kg (female), 60-75 kg (male)
In the mountains of South America they weigh 105 kg!
>Puma is predacious and eats other mammals - a small gift eat at once, but the largest prey
>It has a powerful body with long hind legs to jump over forty feet and
>a long tail, which is 50-80 cm long (that is tipped with black), for
>gained balance.
>Puma lives about 12 years.
>I like this animal, because of frightful look and it reminds me my
>old cat.
>Female birthes after 90-96 days 1 to 4 naked and blind kittens.
female gives a birth oczywiście
nie tlumacz wprost z polskiego na angielski, bo potem wychodzą dziwne konstrukcje, takie jak twoje ostatnie zdanie

podmiot jest bardzo wazny, nie omijaj go ( to sie da zrobić tylko w j.polskim)
female gives birth (bez 'a')
nie znoszę art...;)))
hehe jak czarna to brunetka :)
chyba, że czarna odnosi sie do koloru skóry to rozumiem:)


Articles przyjda z czasem..:)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.