Bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie... :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawe błedów. :))
Będę bardzo wdzięczna...

Dear Editor,

I am writing to you about the concert with the jazz band, Clezers. This appearance took place in the local club. It was in last month. There was an audience of 150 people and the hall was completely full.

Clezers is a new jazz group. However, they are playing great! Band members are young boys in us town. They music is jazz standard. Their second records is brilliant, although first was better.

The hall was full of young girls and boys. Atmosphere was great. Everyone was fascinated and impressed, when Clezers sang new hit! The crowd scremed and cheered at the end.

However, the acoustics of the club are bad. The hall is too small. Although, people was satisfied.

I think that this concert should be a different venue with better acoustics and should be bigger.

Yours faithfully,
I am writing 'to you' (niepotr) about 'the' (lepiej A) concert with the jazz band, Clezers.
ThEIR appearance took place in the local club. It was 'in' (during) last month (albo ...took place in the local club last month).
(jabym napisala, Although Clezers ARE a new jazz group, they are..)However, they are playing great!
THE Band members are young boys FROM OUR in 'us' town. TheIR music is jazz standard. Their second 'records' (record) is brilliant, although THE first ONE was better.

THE atmosphere was great. Everyone was fascinated and impressed, when Clezers sang THEIR new hit! The crowd screAmed and cheered at the end.

'However, the acoustics of the club are bad. The hall is too small.
Although, people was satisfied' (jabym to zmienila...Although generally, the people were satisfied, the acoustics at the club are bad as the hall is too small).

I think that NEXT TIME THEIR 'this' (niemoze byc 'this' bo concert juz byl) concert should be HELD IN a different venue with better acoustics and 'should be bigger' (the room should be bigger).
dziękuje ślicznie za pomoc :**


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