zadanko- spawdzic prosze;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
a) Miałam zamienic zdania normalne na zdania ze zwrotem ,,used to"
1. Before 1770 there were only thirteen states in the USA.
Before 1770 there used to be only thirteen states in the USA.
2. At one time in history, Manhattan was a forest.
At one time in history, Manhattan used to be a forest .
3. American Indians spoko their own languages.
American Indians used to speak their own languages.
4. They didn't have horses until after 1600.
Jak to bedzie?? They didn't use to have horses until after 1660.
5. The Sioux built their tents from buffalo skins.
The Sioux used to build their tents from buffalo skins.
6. Only the chief of a tribe wore a large feather headdress.
Only the chief of a tribe used to wear a large feather headdress.
b) I pytania na tej podstawie.

1. there/be 50 states in the USA
Did there use to be 50 states in the USA.
2. Manhattan/ be a city?
Did Manhattan use to be a city?
3. they/ speak English on the American continent
Did they use to speak English on the American continent?
4. American Indians/ ride horses
Did American Indians use to ride horses?
5. Sioux/ throw away the buffalo skins
Did Sioux use to throw away the buffalo skins?
6. all American Indians/ wear feather headdress
Did all American Indians use to wear feather headdress?

4 They didn't have horses until after 1600.
They didn't useD to have horses until after 1660. (Dlaczego w innych zdaniach napisalas 'useD to' a tutaj nie?)
Widze, ze cos tego 'd' nie lubisz -
1. Did there useD to be 50 states in the USA.
2. Did Manhattan useD to be a city?
3. Did they useD to speak English on the American continent?
4. Did American Indians useD to ride horses?
5. Did Sioux useD to throw away the buffalo skins?
6. Did all American Indians useD to wear feather headdress?
terri - a przepraszam Cie bardzo: czy mozesz podac jakies zrodlo potwierdzajace, ze forma "did they use to" jest bledna, a "did they used to" poprawna? Bo ja mam na swojej polce kilka ksiazek mowiacych cos dokladnie przeciwnego.
Oczywiscie istnieje tez bardziej formalne "used they to".
widzisz, napisalam to na szybko prosto z glowy - ale cos znalazlam.
W 'Advanced Grammar in Use' M. Hewings Unit 19 str38 jest cos takiego..
...Make questions and negatives with 'used to' (w prawdzie on pisze ze to w spoken English)
eg. Did your children use to sleep well?
....I didn't use to like visiting...
These forms are sometimes written as '...did...used to' and '...didn't used to ..' but some people think that this is incorrect.
Aha, dziekuje. Wiem, ze ludzie uzywaja roznych form pytania, a teraz widze, ze i gramatycy nie sa calkiem zgodni. Bo Swan podaje tylko "used I/you/we to" i "did I/you/we use to", a taki poradnik "Angielski bez bledow" (zapomnialem autora) wrecz zakazuje uzywania formy "*did ... used".
Wychodzi na to, ze jesli ktos powie "She used to love him, usedn't she?", to bedzie brzmial archaicznie, forma "did he use to" uchodzi za potoczna, a "did he used to" w ogole niektorzy uwazaja za bledna. Czyli jakkolwiek sie powie, zawsze sie to komus nie spodoba...
Mam tez nadzieje, ze native'i nie zaczna w najblizszych latach mowic "Did you must go?", ale Fowler jeszcze 90 lat temu pisal, ze forma "I would like" jest razaco nieangielska i trzeba mowic "I should like" - i co to pomoglo?



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