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I am conservative when it comes to food. I tend to go for food I know and I avoid unfimiliar dishes. I am not prepared to try anything new, but I sometimes I liking try new foods for example Chinese food. However several things which I can't stand. If I went abroad I would try something a bit different but that reminds me of what I eat at home. If someone serve me some food on the side of my plate, apologise and explain that it's something I don't like
poprawiam TYLKO rzucajace sie w oczy bledy, calosc powinna zostac troche inaczej skonstruowana, ale trudno to zrobic nie wiedzac dokladnie jak chcialas to ujac. pozdrawiam:
I am conservative when it comes to food. I tend to go for food I know and I avoid unfimiliar dishes. I am not prepared to try anything new, but I sometimes LIKE TRYING (LUB TO TRY) new FOOD for example Chinese food. However, THERE ARE A FEW things I can't stand. (NIE WIEM O CO DOKLADNIE CHODZILO A TYM ZDANIU, ALE GRAMATYCZNIE TO TAK: If I went abroad I would try something a bit different but IT HAS TO remind me of what I eat at home. If someone serve me some food on the side of my plate, apologise and explain that it's something I don't like (NIE UMIALAM ROZSZYFROWAC O CO CHODZI W OSTATNIM ZDANIU WIEC JESLI NAPISZESZ JE PO POLSKU POSTARAM SIE POMOC:)
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