sprawdzenie 2 krótkich tekstów

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam prośbę,czy ktoś mógłby sprawdzić mi błędy w tych dwóch tekstach??

1)i jeżeli jest taka możliwość mogłby ktos prztlumaczyc ten tekst na polski??
My favourite film is Armagedon.
It is a science-fiction film.
The film is about the struggle between people and a huge meteor. If it fell down, our planet would be destroyed. Boss Dan Thruman, played by Billy Bob Thomton, thinks that mission of space shuttle, which will be land on the meteor, will drill holes and will place there nuclear bomb. Harry Stamper, played by Bruce Willis, is the only one human, who could do it. Mission with Harry Stamper and his friends was successful, but he had to die for humanity.
I like this film, because is gut misic, graphic and he's long.
The theme of film is save Erth of destruction.

2) Of seven dwarfs
I don't like this film because it is a comedy for children. In this film is crummy humour which isn't amusing me. There don't playing famous stars only unknown actors. Of seven dwarfs it is a film which is uninteresanting, stupid and meant only for small children. This film didn't like very much

A tak mialo brzmiec po polsku:
Ja nie lubie tego filmu poniewaz to jest komedia dla dzieci. W tym filmie jest kiepski humor ktory mnie nie smieszy. Nie graja w tym filmie zadne slawne gwiazdy tylko nieznani actorzy.Siedmiu krasnoludkow to film nieinsteresujacy, glupi przeznaczony tylko dla malych dzieci. Ten film bardzo mi sie nie podobal.
>1)i jeżeli jest taka możliwość mogłby ktos prztlumaczyc ten tekst na

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A swoją drogą lenistwo nie ma granic.