Zamienilam sie w twoja 90-letnia babcie, ktora absolutnie nic nie wie o komputerach i to tak widze:
When you have your computer running..
1. Use, the thing on the table (it is called 'A mouse). You must press
the LEFT button on it. (once czy twice?)
2. On the desktop (co to desktop?) you can see many icons (co to icon?). Look through them and try to find one entitled “MOZILLA FIREFOX". If you 'found' (FIND) it, you must press 'twice the left button' (ale left button czego?).
3. The website is open now. On the top of the page you can see 'A' long
free space where you must write the address of the page you want to
obtain (a gdzie te strony sa?) e.g ,using 'keyboard' (co to keyboard?). (A wtedy nic nie musze robic? Cos to nie dzialan napisalam i to tam jest i nic sie nie robi)..
4. If the page is open, on the left you can see some icons. One of them
(the FIRST one) is ENtitled “POCZTA". Click on it (ile razy i czym, co to znaczy click?).
5. The next page is open. Then you have to write your LOGIN and HASŁO,
that your grandDAUGHTER gave you and click on ZALOGUJ
6. Your post is open. You must click on NAPISZ. Here you can find some
free spaces.
On the first one (called DO) you should write email [email]
7. This sign-@ is called A 'mouse' (nie, nie tylko w jez polskim mowimy na to 'malpa' - jest inaczej w jez. ang.), too. If you want to do 'it' (to znzaczy co?), you must find on the keyboard a button titled 'SHIFT and (a button) number 2 on the top and press them together ;) DONE.
8. To write something you have to use keyboard, as well. You can make
'it' (ale co?) by writing on the biggest area of the page. Here you can use you imagination and write whatever you wish to.
9. 'If' (chyba When) you HAVE finished, press WYSLIJ at the bottom of the website.