Opowiadanie "I had the strangest dream last night"

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I had the strangest dream last night. It was a Saturday. I made an appointment with friends. Because of that I was walking through the town when I fell into drain.
I was falling very long. When I regained consciousness I tried to go out. Over walls there were tiny metal elements. I climbied up them. About five meters to enter wasn't anything that I could catch. I came down. Then I noticed a tunnel that I hadn't seen before. I went through it, but the tunnel ended. There I saw a manhole. It was closed. I opend it and looked through it.
On my face I felt thick liquid. It smelt disgusting. When I was trying to close manhole the door fell off. From the hole all the time spilt slime. I ran away but it was hard. That substance was slide. Finally I reached to place when I had fallen. I looked up and I saw blinding light. I was burning.
Then I woke up. I was so sweaty. I realised that I had been sleeping to a nearby radiator. It was stationed for maximal heat. From that time I have always turned off the radiotor before I go to bed.
Moze tak. I had the strangest dream last Saturday night.
I HAD made an appointment (to do what?) with friends. 'Because of that' (nie, lepiej So that I could meet them on time, albo As I was walking...) I was walking through the town 'when' (wg mnie niepotz) I fell into AN OPEN drain.
I was falling FOR A very long TIME. (Tutaj potrzeba, ze 'I lost consciousness', ale ze niepamietasz)
When I regained MY consciousness I tried to 'go' GET out. ON THE walls there were tiny metal 'elements'(grips?) I 'climbied' (CLIMBED) up them.
About five meters (FROM THE TOP THERE) wasn't anything (on the walls) that I could catch. I (suddenly) came down.
I went through it, but the tunnel 'ended' (had a dead end).
'There' (w tunelu? czy wtedy?) I saw a manhole. I openEd it and looked through it.
'On my face I felt thick liquid' (nie, I felt a thick, green, slimy liquid on my face)
When I 'was trying' (TRIED) to close THE manhole the door fell off. 'From the hole all the time' (..All this time, from the hole) spilt (this green, smelly) slime. I ran away but it was 'hard' (co ten liquid? czy bylo ciezko?). That substance 'was slide' (slippery?). Finally I reached 'to' (bez 'to') THE place wheRE I had fallen. I looked up and I saw 'A' blinding light. I (felt that I) was burning (all over, on my face, on my arms, on my legs).
...I realised that I had been sleeping NEXT to a nearby radiator. It was 'stationed' (nie regulated, switched on) for maximal heat. From that
time, I have always turned off the radiAtor before I go to bed.
Poprawiłam tekst według wskazówek. Jednak nie bardzo wiem o co chodzi z "I HAD made an appointment (to do what?) with friends." Z góry dzięki za wszelką pomoc.

I had the strangest dream last night. In it it was a Saturday. I made an appointment with friends. As I was walking through the town I fell into an open drain.
I was falling for a very long time I lost my consciousness. When I regained it I tried to get out. On the walls there were tiny metal grips. I climbed up them. About five meters from the top there wasn't anything on the walls that I could catch. I came down. Then I noticed a tunnel that I hadn't seen before. I went through it, but the tunnel ended. There (czyli na końcu tunelu) I saw a manhole. It was closed. I opened it and looked through it.
I felt a thick, green, slimy liquid on my face It smelt disgusting. All time from the hole spilt this slime. I ran away but it was hard, because that substance was slippery. Finally I reached the place where I had fallen. I looked up and I saw a blinding light. I felt that I was burning.
Then I woke up. I was so sweaty. I realised that I had been sleeping next to a nearby radiator. It was switched on maximal heat. From that time I have always turned off the radiator before I go to bed.
Mialam ma mysli, ze "I HAD made an appointment (na spotkanie sie z nimi)- appointment to slowo ktore mis sie kojarzy z spotkaniami z lekarzem, adwokatem itp- mozna powiedziec ..an arrangement to meet at (powiedzmy 2.p.m.) i niechcialam sie spoznic.
I was falling for a very long time (until finally)I lost my consciousness.
I climbed up (using) them (to hold onto).
Then, (dodaj...at the end of the tunnel) I saw a manhole. ...it smelt disgusting
(Tutaj cos brakuje ...It seemed that something was coming from the manhole)
All THE time from the hole spilt this slime.
It was switched on maximUM heat.
Poprawiłam błędy, jednak nie dodałam proponoanego zdania - mam ograniczona liczbę znaków. Proszę o sprawdzenie - nie jestem pewna czy dobrze poprawilam tekst i czy nie ma jeszcze innych błędów.

I had the strangest dream last night. In it it was a Saturday. I made an arrangement to meet at 5 p.m. and I didn't want to be late. As I was walking through the town I fell into an open drain.
I was falling for a very long time until finally I lost my consciousness. When I regained it I tried to get out. On the walls there were tiny metal grips. I climbed up using them. About five meters from the top there wasn't anything on the walls that I could catch. I came down. Then I noticed a tunnel that I hadn't seen before. I went through it, but the tunnel ended. Then at the end of the tunnel, I saw a manhole. It was closed. I opened it and looked through it.
I felt a thick, green, slimy liquid on my face. It smelt disgusting. All the time from the hole spilt this slime. I ran away but it was hard, because that substance was slippery. Finally I reached the place where I had fallen. I looked up and I saw a blinding light. I felt that I was burning.
Then I woke up. I was so sweaty. I realised that I had been sleeping next to a nearby radiator. It was switched on maximum heat. From that time I have always turned off the radiator before I go to bed.
'In it' (tego, wg mnie nie potrzeba) It was a Saturday.
...arrangement to meet (my friends) at 5 p.m.
On the walls 'there' (bez 'there') were tiny metal grips.
.. have always turned 'off the radiator'(the radiator off) before I go..
Poprawki naniesione. Mam nadzieję, że to już będzie ostateczna wersja, ale oczywiście jak są błędy to prosze o zwórcenie uwagi na nie ;). Z góry dzięki.

I had the strangest dream last night. It was a Saturday. I made an arrangement to meet my friends at 5 p.m. and I didn't want to be late. As I was walking through the town I fell into an open drain.
I was falling for a very long time until finally I lost my consciousness. When I regained it I tried to get out. On the walls were tiny metal grips. I climbed up using them. About five meters from the top there wasn't anything on the walls that I could catch. I came down. Then I noticed a tunnel that I hadn't seen before. I went through it, but the tunnel ended. Then at the end of the tunnel, I saw a manhole. It was closed. I opened it and looked through it.
I felt a thick, green, slimy liquid on my face. It smelt disgusting. All the time from the hole spilt this slime. I ran away but it was hard, because that substance was slippery. Finally I reached the place where I had fallen. I looked up and I saw a blinding light. I felt that I was burning.
Then I woke up. I was so sweaty. I realised that I had been sleeping next to a nearby radiator. It was switched on maximum heat. From that time I have always turned the radiator off before I go to bed.
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