When I was younger, I had 'A' dog and some tiny fish. But I was
interested in 'A' chameleon. My parents didn't want TO buy me 'A' 'one' (niepotr) chameleon.
'One years' (Nie, Jak juz chcesz tak to ONE YEAR) ago I 'persuded' (ortog) my parents that 'A' chameleon 'is' (nie, lepiej MIGHT BE A) very beautiful and 'A' fantasic pet. SO NOW, I've got 'A' nice, 'change colour' (zmien kolor?) ,African chameleon called Maks.
A lot of people 'thing' (sprawdz jak to slowo sie pisze, napisalas 'rzecz') chameleons are terrible and ugly, but this isn't true. Maks has got nice, medium ears, small eyes and 'posibility change colour skin' (cos tu nie tak). My lovely chameleon is 'a' (bez 'a') very friendly and he likes TO change. 'He' (nie, he-to 'on'a masz na mysli jego) favourite room is my green bedroom.
'They' (Oni? zmien to slowo) are disadvAntages IN keeping 'A' chameleon. It can be expensive because chameleons need 'A' special place to live and special food. My Maks has got a large glass 'thank' (ortog) in my bedroom. Some people (brakuje slowa 'sa-ARE) afraid and 'oddly look' (zla kol slow - look oddly) at chameleons. Maks likes TO walk to my house, but my parents are furious (dlaczego?). When I've got visitors and friendS I keep my chameleon IN his
'than' (zmien to slowo).
I think chameleons 'is' (chameleonS to l. mnoga a 'is' to l. poj zmien) very good pets. They're very intelLigent animalS (dlatego, ze 'they' to l. mnoga).
I usually 'didn't found him' (nie rozumiem tego) bUt I like my chamelEon-Maks.