...mainly homewoRK (niepolicz) for school in my case.
..study hard this 'night' (evening?) in order to face up TO THE semestral exam from (IN) history the following day.
...but I quickly figureD out that it was my Professor of history. Just 'A' while after (bez przecinka) I discovered this..
Apparently, he was suprised, 'either' (either jest zlym slowem, chyba TOO). He asked me if I could 'pit' (chyba PUT) him up.
..had broken down, he called the emergency SERVICES, but he was told that repairing it would be 'vainly' (IN VAIN) in this weather. I gave him SOME warm clothes..
..history tests 'over' (DURING) the night. In effect, I passed THE history exam 'for' WITH AN A.
Since that day, two 'thing' (2-znaczy ze potrzeba l. mnogiej na thingS) have changed. I love history, and Sundays. (Sunday-duza litera)
And what is most important I HAVE gained a new friend.