opis wydarzenia sportowego ;)

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Sproszę o sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów
Temat: „opisz wydarzenie sportowe, które zapamiętałaś ze względu na dobre przygotowanie oraz szczególną atmosferę”
Dzieki za pomoc ;)

Local football championships played in my town were sport event which I remembered very well due to well preparation and special atmosphere accompanying it. Showdown takes place in a local stadium in June on Friday afternoon.

Occasion was premeditated from beginning to the end. The stadium was renovated. New benches war installed, a lawn was painted to the lively green colour. Fences were reinforced and new barrier were placed. Before going the stadium up every fan exactly was checked by the security. During the mach you can buy everything you want – sweets, candy-floss, hot dogs, hamburgers and drinks. Everything was ready to the last gaiter button.

There was a smell of a tension and a twitchiness of fans in air at first which with the moment of beginning the match changed into joy and the excitement. Everybody kept their fingers crossed for their team. Later atmosphere winded down and was very good, everyone sang songs, shout, applauded and what is the most important we had a good fun.

This was a best sports event in which I have possibility to attend and I will remember it to the last days of my life. I wish that so few competitions are organized in my town. I think that everybody should experience such wonderful emotions and should see how to prepare good contest.
THE local football championships played in my town 'were' WAS A sportING event which I remembER very well due to THE 'well' GOOD, (mozna tez excellent) preparation and special atmosphere accompanying it. THE showdown 'takes' TOOK -czas przeszly) place in a local stadium in June on 'A' Friday afternoon.

THE occasion was 'premeditated'? (auspicious?) from beginning to 'the' (niepotrz)end.
New benches 'war' WERE installed AND THE lawn was painted to 'the' A lively
green colour. Fences were reinforced and new barrierS were placed.
Before going TO the stadium 'up' (nie rozumiem tego 'up' tutaj) every fan WAS THOROUGHLY checked by the security MEN. During the maTch you 'can' COULD buy everything you wantED..

There was a smell of 'a' (bez a) tension IN THE AIR and a twitchiness of fans (in air) at first which 'with' (lepiej AT) the moment of THE beginning OF the match changed into joy and 'the' (Bez the) excitement.
Later THE atmosphere 'winded' (slowed, wound) down and was very good, everyone sang songs, shoutED, applauded and what is 'the' (bez the) most important we had 'a' (bez a) good fun.

This was a best sports event in which I haD THE possibility 'to' OF attendING and I will..
I wish that so few competitions are organized in my town-cos tu nie tak z tym zdaniem - czy masz na mysli I regret that...)
...prepare A good contest.
dziękuję za pomoc :)
tak.. I regret


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