Proszę o sprawdzenie tłumaczenia!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam gorącą prośbę o sprawdzenie tłumaczenia, jakiego dokonałam, a które jest mi pilnie potrzebne. Wiem, że jest tego dosyć dużo, ale mam nadzieję, że ktoś okaże odrobinę dobrego serca i poświęci mi chwilę czasu. To bardzo ważne. Z góry wyrażam pełną wdzięczność.



It is desire of all people to be beautiful. Since the dawn of time, humans cared about their health and appearance. Lt’s see how people in the future will to that!

Are you dreaming about neverending youth? That’s simple as long as you use the Youth & Beauty Chamber! 10 minutes is enough to make you feel and look even 10 years younger. The chamber works similarly to solariums from XXI th century except for the fact that instead of UV rays, which are in a way harmful for our health, you will feel the delightful mix of moon and sun rain, flowing down by your body.

The moon rain makes your skin smooth and unbelievably firm, not mentioning the removing of flaws and defects.
The sun rain will bring you the real joy of life .
When talking about solarium, we remember to say out loud that tan is already passé!

What is still in fashion, are the muscled gentleman and well-shaped ladies. It’s not difficult to have such perfect body as you only have to take one pill to turn in model!

Our fitness club has in offer following pills for ladies:
- slimming
- musculing
- removing such defects and flaws as knock kneed legs, too small hips, small breast
- optical
- making you more attractive
- correcting unsatisfactory height

And following pills for man:
- stirring up the fire of one’s testosterone
- for growth of hair or for removing it


Cosmos flights are not any longer dreams but reality! They are the best way to spend your holidays! Mars, Saturn, Jupiter are now gaping toward you! All tourist agencies moved their posts to those parts of the Universe long time ago. Travelling by aeroplanes, rockets or space shuttles is already holdover. Now, we’re just transferring! So, as you can see, your luggage or you and your relative may be in only one second in whichever place in the entire galaxy you wish!

Some examples of the offers from the travel agencies:
- a journey in time – to each age you want.
- A journey around the world
- Milky way rafting
- Stellar sailing
- Wandering around craters
- Scientific trips


Progresses in science enabled to improve genetically our favourite pets. The highmilk cows are not the sensation any longer, but tame crocodiles, doggy-frogs or storky-badgers are something completely unprecedented!
Just take a look at our specimens!


The clothes of the future are not any longer just ordinary pieces of material, covering embarrassing nakedness of the people. They are new friends of the humans beings, their saviours and companions, but also the multimedial center of entertainment.
Since the dawn of time clothes were just to hide our bodies and asecure us for warm.
But today, apart from those functions, your blouse or your pants may allow their owner to call their friends, order some pizza, borrow video movie, localize the closest drug store or just to find
An interesting route for a weekend trip to stratosphere.
Sending an email with confirmation of a transaction or browsing your favourite web sites is not a great challenge for the modern tie of buissnesman. What is more, each one piece of clothing might be programmed as one’s own sweet will. In a very easy way the function of the forecast of whichever place in the galaxy can be installed (at that time the fabric would automatically adjust its permeability and thickness to predicted temperature and weather. It also relates to footwear). You also might have installed the option of diagnosing the state of health of yours and your relatives like taking somebody’s temperature or measuring the level of blood sugar. If only your blouse diagnoses some kind of abnormality occurring in the organism, it will immediately consult this fact with the right specialist. If there would be such need, it will
Send for help or make an appointment with the doctor.
Clothes are made of synthetic and elastic fabrics, which fit to ones body perfectly, making them look absolutely flawless and out of impression that something is too big or too tight. Thanks to the newest textile technology you don’t have to wear a belt nevermore – your pants will automatically fit to your body. How is that possible? Fixed in scanners make strenuous math just within a blink of an eye to meet the requirements of customer.
And what about accessories? They don’t stay behind as well. Thanks to the sunnies of the newest generation you will be able to watcht he latest episode of “Maks Z”. no matter where you happen to be, so you don’t have to worry that you won’t know sequent adventures of your favourite characters. What is more, fixed in GPS won’t let you fell lost – regardless of where you are – each nook of the galaxy will seem to be known as back of your hand.
Especially for ladies, fashion house of Gianni Vonsacze put on the market the precursory line of purses. An electronic, built- in system, after using technologically advanced scanner will let each gentlewomen to match their outfit perfectly and make it look absolutely gorgeous. You also don’t need to worry about the lack of the space in your purse. This problem has been smartly solved. Going on a fancy banquet, you can take along your favourite xx1 envelope bag, which can contain almost all of your suits in a case you wished to change your outfit. How is that possible? Well, it’s because of the precursory system that each purse is equipped with. If there’s such need, it reacts on a size of put- in -stuffs and changes its measurements by creating an extra cyberspace. Then, you are able to take along whatever you want or need.
Textil industry is currently working over a brand new line of clothes, which
Would allow people to move to whichever place in the entire galaxy, without using hypercapsules. The date of planned premiere: 3201r.


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