rozprawka / gry koputerowe

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze o sprawdzenie I poprawienie błedów.
Temat „Pasja współczesnej młodzieży są gry komputerowe. Napisz rozprawkę przedstawiającą dobre i złe strony spędzania wolnego czasu przy grach komputerowych.”

Nowadays more and more people spend their free time playing computer games. What are a good a bad sides of this phenomenon? In my essay I will try to show and explain some of them.

There is no denying that computer games provide great entertainment for everyone. Instead of smoking or drinking beer in pub people can play games with all the family and reinforce family ties. What is more, there are lots of strategic or economical games which can teach you how to plan spending and foresee some events and that are very useful skills. In addition, computer games also makes that people are more likely to take up information technology.

On the other hand there are also some disadvantages. Firstly, people do not do sports and their health condition is getting worst. They suffer from obesity and can catch breath when walk up the stairs. Secondly, their eyesight is worse. Finally, there are some games witch learn killing others or prefer violence and cruelty. This type of games fooled players and makes them stupid.

In conclusion, it seems that playing computer games can have the same number of pros and cons. The decision what to do in your free time remains a matter of personal choice.
Mam problemy z komputerka- tak, ze niewiem, czy cos wyjdzie.

What are 'a' THE good aND THE bad sides of this phenomenon?
..drinking beer in 'A' pub people can..
..foresee some events and 'that' THOSE are very useful skills.
also 'makes' MAKE (od games-they make) that people..

..people do not 'do' (moze lepiej play) sports and their health condition is getting worsE.. They suffer from obesity and 'can' (chyba CANNOT) catch THEIR breath when walkING up the stairs.
FinaLY, there are some games 'witch' WHICH 'learn' TEACH (they teach, I learn)THE killing OF others or WHICH prefer violence and cruelty. This type of
games foolS players and makes them stupid.
people can play games with THE WHOLE family

proponowałbym ;)


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