Może ktoś sprawdzić?;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jest to memo które napisałam, na temat, hmm, w firmie jest problem, ze klienci skarza sie na to, ze:
We have had several complaints from customers saying that some of them received the books they ordered with the wrong invoivces, and some were sent the correct invoices with the wrong books. I know that this has never happened before, but you should give full attention to your work. I would like to ask you to double-check that the correct invoices are sent with the orders. I know that we have some new workers, but that should not cause this problem. If you will have any difficulties or problems with their jobs please contact them with Harry Hawke.
I hope that this problems will never happen again.

Może ktoś coś zmieni, poprawi;) będę bardzo wdzięczna
We have had several complaints from customers saying that some of them
received the books they ordered with the wrong 'invoivces' (blad ortog), and some were sent the 'correct invoices with the wrong books' (tu cos nie tak, jak mozna dostac correct inv - a incorrect book, lepiej ..incorrect invoices for the books they received).
I know that this as never happened before, but you should 'give' full attention to your work. I know that 'we' (we czy you?) have some new workers, but that should not HAVE causeD this problem. If you 'will' (bez will) have any difficulties or problems with their jobs please 'contact them' (nie, tego nie rozumiem-) with Harry Hawke.
I hope that 'this' (this-l. poj) problems (problems l. mnoga) will never happen again.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia