cz. 2 - PrOśBa O pOpRaWiEnIe BłĘdÓw!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proźba o poprawienie błędów we fragmentach mojego wypracowania!!! :)

1. (...) Main character was Helen, who must made important for her decisions. She should think what she want do in life and what she want of life. In my homework I arrange for describe this book.

2. (...) She is in love with Tom, who met at university, but she isn't glad becouse Tom live in Scotland and Helen in Wales.

3. (...) Jill coax Helen into tried in new job and forgot about Tom.

4. (...) Only problems were with Angela, who was really rude and she screamed on Helen, but she solved problem.

5. (...) There, at Helen waited letter fron Jill. She is going to fly to Australia and there she will study. In the evening group went by bus, but in the trip time it was broke.

6. (...) When man wanted check tickets, it turned out that Helen forgot them. She tell him about this and he let Helen and her group.

7. (...) Most of participants trip did check in desk.

8. (...) Few minutes later they were catch them with help Mary.

9. (...) After that Helen and her group said their good-byes and come back to homes.

10. (...) She had to make decisions. She understood that she must be independent. She will do, what she want.

11. (...) she decided to make the most of life. I think everybody should do that. Nobody can't sorry for any decisions.

Z góry DZIĘKUJE!!! :)