kilka prostych zdan do sprawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Today in biggest problem in the world are fumes and garbage. In the worlds are more and more cars and more less forest. People don't understand how important are forest. When are trees to disappear people die.
I think that governments should protect forest a special protection. They should look after the forest all the time. People who try to cut down trees should be punished. They should pay fine or be imprisoned.
When someone buy a car they should plant one tree, I think this will be the better resolution.
Segregation trash, In my opinion this is the a good idea, everybody should try help our planet.
Nowadays the biggest problem in the world are fumes and garbage. There are more and more cars and less forests. People don't understand how important the forests are. When all trees disappear, people are going to die. I think that governments should protect the forests. The authorities should look after the forests all the time. People who try to cut down trees should be punished. They should be fined or imprisoned.

When someone buys a car, he or she should plant one tree. I think this would be the best solution.
Segregation of rubbish. In my opinion it's a good idea, everybody should try to protect our planet.


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