I think That IN most 'of all' (niepotr)cases it is only vanity.Plastic
surgery is for me just A waste of time and money. When we hear about plastic surgery , most of us think about A Hollywood star..People want to
change their size of stomachs, breasts, or other body parts 'becouse' BECAUSE - z 'A')they see it done so easily on TV. 'The' (niepotr) Most 'part' (niepotrz) (mozna powiedziec...The majority of them...)of them decide they
want a cosmetic change becAuse they're not happy about the way they
look. The most common procedures choseN include ..
...or a way to stand out from the crowD. Some people turn to plastic surgery to
correct a pHYsical deffect or to alter a part of THEIR body 'that' WHICH makes them feel uncomfortable. I think that having cosmetic surgery just to
change your appeArance isn't A good idea. In my mind, body is made by God (duza litera) and should not be altEred, we should learn to love thE body which we
have. But when we ARE born with disadvantages, THE situation 'is' (niepotr) changeS AND we should have THE right to spruce 'oneself' OURSELVES (dlatego, ze mowisz o 'we'). Unfortunately THE person 'which' WHO (o ludziach to zawsze 'who') really needS this kind of reconstructive SURGERY haSn't GOT enough money.
When I see children die of cancer or anyone die from cancer , or
die FROM other diseases, then plastic surgery sounds VERY vain to me. Each
one of these patientS with diseases..