Mógłbym podać dziesiątki współczesnego zastosowania tasteful jako tasty, cuyując np. opinie klientów restauracji czy przewodniki po nich ale to pewnie nie będzie dla ciebie miarodajne. Postanowiłem więc wkleić kilka cytatów z bardziej miarodajnych bo głównie wydanych drukiem bądź umieszczonych na stronach internetowych fragmentów artykułów i książek poświęconych żywieniu i kuchni.
As I demonstrate in my article, The Incredible, Edible Egg Yolk, the absurdity of discarding egg yolks from a health perspective is shown by the fact that the yolk contains nearly all the nutrition in an egg. Egg whites serve almost no nutritional purpose, contrary to their companion super-food, the yolk. And one must consider the health consequences of being chronically deprived of TASTEFUL FOOD.
Why the State Hates Cholesterol - cHRIS MASTERJOHN. Masterjohn holds a Bachelor's degree in History and is preparing to pursue a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology.USA
"Think of all the nasty, unhealthy things that may have happened to your less than good for you food before you got to it. Perhaps horse meat or even dog mean was mixed together with toxic fillers and flavouring added just to mislead you into believing youre eating fresh and TASTEFUL FOOD..."
Terje Brooks Ellingsen
Ph.D., MBA, Master of Management
Kerry achieved an excellent operational and financial performance across all its businesses in 2003. Against a background of exceptionally rapid currency
movement in the Group's major markets, this strong business performance was
realised through Kerry's capability to create and produce lifestyle and nutritional foods, flavours and ingredients to meet consumer demands for healthy, convenient, TASTEFUL FOOD and beverages. Awareness of dietary,nutritional and health issues was pervasive across all major consumer markets in 2003 - providing a strong stimulus for innovation and new product development.
from Telegraph.co.uk