mnie to tez nie gra.
Zdanie sa b. dziwnie zformulowane, chyba translatorem slowo w slowo. Prosze tego nie robic - na przyszlosc nikt nie bedzie poprawial maszyn, ktore nie umia myslec.
Prosze zwrocic uwage, ze slowo 'informations' nie istnieje w jez. ang. i zauwazyc, ze mylisz sie z l. poj a l. mnoga
...Prosze zaczac tak...
The theme of my work is...
Polish family social campaigns 'are' (are to l. mnoga) 'theme' (to l. poj)of my work. My hypothesis are: Polish family social campaigns are directed 'for' (czy masz na mysli 'for' czy 'to') parents.
These (these to l. mn) social campaigns which officially 'is' (is to l. poj) addressed for children are also directED 'for' ('for' czy 'to') parents.
...Tutaj...The campaigns which form my investigative work are:
Campaigns, which have been my investigative material are: (...)
Generalnie, ja nie lubie czytac 'I' w investigative work. Uzyj ...A description of xxx is included in CI, presentation of x in CII...itd
In chapter I, I have described THE history of social campaign (tylko jednego?)'in the world and in Poland' (lepiej in Poland and in the world).
I have presented THE world of Polish social campaign in chapter II.
'About means of persuasion' (the usage of means of persuasion are presented in CIII) use in polish social campaigns, 'I write' (niepotr) in chapter III. Chapter IV presents social campaigns as esthetic projects.
'I write'(niepotr) 'in'(niepotr) chapter V EXPLAINS, describes, presents, etc 'about' (lepiej THE) conditions of perceptions of advertising, and specificity of receipt of social advertising.
In chapter VI, I have included basic 'informations' INFORMATION about THE campaign which is THE BASIS OF my 'material investigative' (zla kolejnosc slow) Investigative material.
Chapter VII, 'is'(describes, explains etc) THE analysis of THE investigative material.
...I analyze image of world of social campaign in first part in second
part, I analyze persuasion and rhetoric in polish family social
campaigns. (Zrob z tego 2 zdania,)
This analysis has allowed (komu? ME) to answer 'me' (niepotr) 'on' THE question included in THE theme of my work.