prosze sprawdzcie mi..opis ksiazki

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My favourite book is Trauma written by Ken McClure.This book is a novel.The main heros are nurse- Sara and priest-Lafferty. They live in Edynburg.The action happen in the hospital.Sara and Lafferty try found keys to the puzzle.They don't suppose what happen in the hospital.
This novel is keep in tension.I like this book because it is very interesting.I recommend this book to everybody who likes riddles.

Wiem ze jest mnostwo bledow :/ Prosze o pomoc
My favourite book is (mozesz dodac 'entitled') Trauma written by Ken McClure.This book is a novel (mozesz napisac - czy romance, history, detective itp). The main heroEs are 'A' nurse- Sara and 'A' priest-Lafferty. They live in
EdynburgH. The action (of the whole novel? wtedy mozna ..All the action happens...) happenS in 'the' 'A' hospital. Sara and Lafferty try 'found' TO FIND THE keys to the puzzle. (Napisz na czym to puzzle polega). The puzzle of....
They don't 'suppose'(mysle, ze zle slowo moze 'anticipate') what happenS in the hospital.
This novel 'is keep in tension'. (to zdanie jakos mi sie niepodoba)
I like this book because it is very interesting (tutaj potrzeba dlaczego...because xxx albo as the tension is there right until the last page).
I CAN recommend this book to 'everybody' (wg mnie lepiej 'all' who 'likes' (likes to 3os l.poj a tutaj l.mnoga to LIKE) riddles (mozna tez mystery/detective stories).


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