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Kacper is a my brother. He is 7 years old and he is lives with me. He is student 1 class (podstawówki). Kacper has short black hair and He has blue eyes. He is 110 cm height. Him face is oval and pump. I things he is very clever becouse he is always give everytfings he wants. He like meet friendly. He likes cycling, watch TV and playing computer. He hate staying at home and being bored. He dislike go to school and learning. He like a animals but animals dont like him. Him favourite person is grandparents becouse they give money (na) ace cream, chips and chocolate. He favourite foods is a sandwichs and ketchup. He is a very special person for my, but sometimes he is very nervy.
He is student '1 class' (moze lepiej napisac ...a first year secondary school student). He is 110cm IN height. 'Him' HIS (jego) face is oval and pLump. I
'things' THINK (things-to rzeczy) he is very clever becAuse he 'is' (niepotr) always 'giveS' (3os l.poj)(ale gives znaczy 'daje' a nie 'dostaje') everytHing THAT he wants.
...He like meet friendly - tego zdania nie rozumiem - napisz to po polsku...
He likes cycling, watchING TV and playing ON THE computer. He hateS (3os lpoj) staying at home and being bored. He dislikeS (3os lpoj) goING to school and learning. He likeS (3 os. l. poj dodajemy -s) 'a' (niepotr) animals but animals don't like him. 'Him' HIS favourite 'person' PEOPLE ARE HIS grandparents 'becAuse' (because piszemy z 'a') they give HIM money FOR 'ace' ICE
cream, chips and chocolate. He favourite 'foods' (foods to l. mn a 'is' to l. poj) is a 'sandwichs' SANDWICH and ketchup. He is a very special person for mE, but sometimes he is very 'nervy' NERVOUS.
he like meet frirndly
on lubi spotykać sie z przyjaciółmi
>he like (ale 'he' to 3os. l. poj wtedy dodajemy -s) 'meet' (spotykac sie to 'meeting') 'z'- (with) (jego-his) 'frirndly' (przyjaciolmi-friends)
he likes meeting with his friends to ....
wielkie dzieki za pomoc
maybe you'll like this version:

Kacper is {} my brother. He is {seven} years old and he {} lives with me. He is {a first year primary school student}. Kacper has short black hair and {he} has blue eyes. He is {one metre and ten centimetres tall}. {His} face is oval and {plump}. I {think} he is very clever {because} he {} always {gets} {everything} he wants. He {likes} meeting {his friends}. He likes {cycling, watching} TV, and playing {computer games}. He {hates} staying at home and being bored. He {dislikes going} to school and learning. He {likes} {} animals, but animals {don't} like him. {His grandparents are the people he likes most, because} they give {him} money {for ice-cream, crisps} and chocolate. {His} favourite {food} is a {sandwich with some ketchup on}. He is {} very special {to me}, but sometimes he is very {bad-tempered/nasty/naughty}.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.