Moj speech z angielskiego. Prosze o srawdzenie.

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Jak w temacie. Temat: What we should do to stay healthy?
Czy praca jest poprawna i na temat? Prosze o wmiare szybka odpowiedz bo jutro musze to powiedziec przed nauczycielka. Pozdrawiam.

I think that health is very important in our life. We should take care of our health. To stay healthy we need regular lifestyle. The worst enemy for us is stress. Of course what we eat and also very important. Eating the rigrht foods and the right amouts of foods can help you live a longer, healthier life. Eating healthy foods we should became our habits. We shoul avoid eating many sweets, because they can cause obsity. To keep healthy our body should be fit so taking up some sports would be great possibility to stay fit. If we play some sport, out immunity is so much stronger than people`s who don`t do any exercises. I really recommend to you such healthy and balanced lifestyle.
To stay healthy we need 'A' regular lifestyle.
Of course what we eat 'and' (chyba miales na mysli IS) also very important.
Eating the rigHT 'foods' (tutaj ja dalabym food) and the right amouNts of food can help you live a longer, healthier life.
Eating healthy foods 'we should became' SHOULD BECOME our habit. We shoulD avoid eating TOO many sweets, because they can cause obEsity.
To keep OUR BODY healthy 'our body' (niepotr) WE should be fit, so taking up some sports would be A great possibility to stay fit.
If we play some sport, out immunity SYSTEM is so much stronger than 'people`s' (uzylabym THOSE people) who don`t do any exercises. I really recommend to you such A healthy and balanced lifestyle.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie