Hi Robert,
I'M sorry that I 'didn't' HAVEN'T 'wrote' WRITTEN to you earlier. Nowadays I'm so busy because I have got a new 'work' JOB in 'the' A restaurant. First 'of all' THING WHICH I DID 'what I done' (niepotr) when I arrived here was TO rent 'the' A flat. It was very 'heavy' HARD 'to' FOR me because I 'must' HAD TO (czas przeszly) ring 'to' (niepotr) a lot of 'peoples' PEOPLE.. Now I have a flat in THE centRE of THE city.
You ARE probably thinking that it cost me a lot of money but 'isn't' IT DIDN'T. I 'paid' PAY THE owner of the flat 'a' (niepotr) 'one hundred' 100 dollars a week. The flat is not large but for me IT is great.
I 'didn't' COULD'T 'believed' BELIEVE that I 'will' WOULD live there. My new job is 'a' (niepotr) boring to me. People who eat there are workers of some
OF THE companies from THE neighborhood. They don't leave 'a' (niepotr) big tips. When I asked my manager before I worked there about my salary he told me that I will earn 'a' (niepotr) 'fore'400 'hundred' (niepotr) dollars in a week. I'm thinking about changING the job. I promise that I will ring 'to' (niepotr) you as soon as it be possible 'to me' (niepotr).