The International Transportation and Forwarding Company - Mariusz
>Kobierecki has functioned on the market of forwarding services
>incessantly since the October 1993.
... functioned IN the market of (czemu forwarding? czy chodzi o przesylki? to bedzie SHIPPING)
zamiast 'incessantly' wstaw 'continuously'
Initially, the activity of the
>company was steered exclusively on forwarding services, and above all
>the desire to assure customers about the complex service has extorted
>the extension of the activity.
Initially, the company provided only shipping services, but company's desire to provide customers with variety of services has led to an expansion of the offer.
>Since the July 2006 the International Transportation and Forwarding -
>Mariusz Kobierecki has offered the full range of the forwarding
Since July of 2006 ...... has been offering a full range of forwarding(shipping)
>According to the principle that in comparison with quality, the
>quantity does not matter - the company treats very high the quality of
>provided services and customer satisfaction.
Our priority is not the quantity, but the quality of provided services. Accordingly, we strive to provide the highest quality services to our customers.
In order to prove it,
>there is doubled staff.
To ensure customer satisfaction we employ personnel in two shifts.
(o co chodzi z 'double staff' - podwojna zmiana? dwie zmiany?)
>Owning to them, the loads always reach their
>destination on time despite restricted principles regarding the
>driving times.
Because of it and despite the restrictions of driving times (nie jest jasne o co chodzi) the loads always reach their destination on time.
>Moreover, the company has repair place which is ready to work 24h.
.... company has improved its facilities, which are ready to operate 24 h.
>The company is still developing (the extension of the forwarding
>activity and the desire of appearing in the Internet).
The company in continuously expanding the range of services and soon it will appear on the Internet.
>The fleet of vehicles is gradually expanding or "modifying", too.
...... gradually growing and it is being improved as well.
>The drivers possess laptops with installed detailed maps of Europe and
>the mobile phones what assert the constant control of vehicles and
>information about the route of the shipments.
drivers are equipped with laptops that include detailed maps of Europe and mobile phones. It ensures constant control of the vehicles and the ....
>The company is the rightful member of the International Road Haulage
czemu rightful?
>Within the services, it provides full cover and all
>protections required by the rig convention (chodzi o konwencje
>TIR'owską) and subscription cards.
Our services include full insurance coverage of the shippment (load) and all of the protections required ... (nie znam sie na tej konwncji, ale czemu 'rig'? i o co chodzi z 'subscription cards'?)
>Thanks to the promptness and high quality of provided services, the
>number of international and in-country contractors with which the
>company cooperates is still growing up.
Due to efficiency and high quality of our services, the number of national as well as international contractors is still growing.
czemu 'contractors'? nie wiem o co chodzi