Hi John {Hi jest OK, chociaz standardowo: DEAR John}{,}
I'm very happy{bez przecinka} than {THAT} you will come {jesli to juz zaplanowane: that you ARE COMING} to visit Poland. I think think the best time to come is spring or summer. Gold{EN} fields, green forests{bez przecinka} and the weather in this time is the beast {ARE THE BEST AT THIS TIME}.
I live in the {A-mowa o niej po raz pierwszy} village and when you come you can sleep {lepiej: STAY} in my house. This{IT} is {A} beautiful and quiet place. There is {liczba mnoga: ARE} many fields, forests and one big lake. Near my house {THERE} is {A} big orchard.
When you come{,} we can go for a walk in the forest or go swimming over {lepiej: IN THE} lake. When you come{,}{powtarzasz: when you come, moze lepiej to pominac?} you should bring summer dresses {"dresses" tylko w przypadku jesli John lubi nosic sukienki. Jesli nie, to lepiej: SUMMER CLOTHES} when you come in summer, but when you want come in spring you must bring warm sweater{S} and trousers, and don't forger {FORGET} a raincoat.
I know {THAT} when you come, you{'LL} want to rest. You work so hard and you need bread {potrzebuje chleba? Lepiej: A BREAK}.
You{'LL} love Poland and my village{,} I promise.
{mozesz dodac: SEE YOU SOON!}