Wywiad radiowy ze stuntmanem poprawi ktos??

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
D:Hello everybody .Today I want to introduce someone special : John krawężnik .He he lives in Bojszowy Nowe and he is a popular stuntman and now Iam speak which him.
D:Hi John can you hear me ??
A: Hi everybody ,yes I hear you very good
D:Ok and now I ask you about several things (nie wiem jak to napiać bo to chyba jest źle bo chciałem napisac :dobrze a teraz cie spytam o kilka rzeczy)
A: okejjjjjjjjjjjjj
D:Have you ever riden a quad when you was a child?
A:Hmmm... interesting question .No I havent but I ride a little cart and then I have dreamed about rides a quad
D:nice , How long have you been traning for a championship "extreme games"
A: when I have a time and willingness
D: short and good answer and the last question How long have you want to be stuntman ?10 year more??
A:hmm when I have 99 years then I will maybe think about retirement (Laught)
D: Thank you very much and I wish you good luck on the championship Bye
A:thank you ,good bye

proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów w szczególności pytania have you ever ,how long i w ogóle cały tekst. jeśli by ktoś zdołal poprawić na dzisiaj to byłbym bardzo wdzięczny


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