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List formalny

W gazecie angielskiej ukazał się artykuł krytykujący dzisiejszą młodzież. Napisz list do redakcji wyrażający twoją opinię na ten temat. (200 – 250 słów)

Dear editorial staff,

I do not agree with the author of article about teenagers. He has a very extreme view on this problem. No one is allowed to write and publish such a strange text about young people.

Firstly, author see only disadvantages of teenagers. Of course disadvantages exist, but we cannot concentrate on them.
Huge amount of teenagers work hard:
- wants to study in university or polytechnic
- train sports and try to become the best
- help other people as volunteers
I am example of such teenager, I work in hospital with small, very ill kids. As you can see it is not true that teenagers use their life on having fun.

Author of article wrote also something about generations conflict. “Parents do not understand their children”. In article there is no answer on this question. We have to think why does the conflict is very problematic now and why 100 years ago no one heard about it?
I think it is because of today lifestyle. Parents leave their offspring and go work to UK, Germany, France or Italy, do not have time, do not talk with children. Generations conflict exist only because of adults.

To sum up, everything depends on adults, parents and education. If relationships in school, in family are right, there would not be problems with rising generation in our country. Young people are like “tabula rasa”. I mean that individual human beings are born with no innate or built-in mental content, in a word, "blank", and that their entire resource of knowledge is built up gradually from their experiences and sensory perceptions of the outside world. Outside world is being build by adults...

Yours faithfully


Patryk Gralak
Znowu musze przypomniec o uzywaniu 'a' i 'the'

Dear editorial staff, (moze lepiej Dear Editor),

I do not agree with the author of THE article about teenagers. He has a
very extreme view 'on' OF this problem. 'No one is allowed' (chyba masz na mysli...No one should be allowed) to write and publish such a strange text about young people.

Firstly, author 'see' (autor to he-3os.l.poj, chyba wiesz co dodajemy do czasown) only disadvantages of teenagers. Of course disadvantages exist, but we cannot JUST concentrate on them.
Huge amount of teenagers work hard:
- 'wants' (nie, jak mowisz o teenagers tutaj THEY want to...) study 'in' AT 'A' university or 'A' polytechnic
- THEY want to train sports and try to become the best
- help other people as volunteers
I am example of such 'A' teenager, I work in 'A' hospital with 'A' small, very ill 'kids' (kids tutaj nie pasuje - to jest list formalny - uzywamy 'children'). As you can see it is not true that teenagers use their life 'on' (niepotr) SIMPLY having fun.
THE author of THE article wrote also something about 'generations' (generation) conflict.
“Parents do not understand their children". In THE article there is
no answer on this question. We have to think why does the conflict is very problematic now and why 100 years ago no one HAD heard about it?
I think it is because of today'S lifestyle. Parents (tutaj trzeba wymienic UK< Germany et al) leave their offspring and go work (to UK, Germany, France or Italy) AND THEY do not have time AND do not talk with THEIR children.

If THE relationships in school, in family are 'right' (znajdz inne slowo), there would not be ANY problems with THE 'rising' (lepiej uzyj younger) generation in our country. Young people are like “tabula rasa".(chyba rosa)
Outside THE world is being build by adults...


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