bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie ;) (wiersz)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie.... z góry dziękuję ;)

“Timmy, the frog, which can’t jump”

In the pond was frog called Tim
He was sad and had a dream:
He’d like the same as different frogs
Can to jump and jump to bogs

It was very hard for him
So he still sat on the rim
Other frogs called Tim all time:
Come jump with us into sunshine

But Tim said “I not may”
And sat alone all the day
He was sad and want to cry
But he never start to try

Of the certain sunny day
Timmy slept on leaf on lake
Suddenly the leaf started shake
Everyone began escape

Only Timmy stayed on leaf
Other frogs screamed “Tim, just skip!”
Then surfaced a head of pike
Timmy got scared very much

‘Cause the pike was on his face
He jumped high into reverse
When he touched down in the bog
Frogs told “You’re best jumper in the world”

Today Timmy is not sad
He fells only very glad
He has friends, like others frogs
And he jumps - to back of course!
Ale fajny wierszyk! Podoba sie mi!
Nie bardzo wiem, co Ci doradzic, jest tu troche bledow jezykowych, ale jak zaczniemy poprawiac, to zakloci to caly uklad rymow i rytm.
Zeby bylo super poprawnie, trzeba by go przerobic. A wtedy straci caly swoj urok... ;-(
na razie w ostatniej linijce mozesz zmienic:
And he jumps - BACKWARDS of course!

backward(s) - do tylu


Studia językowe


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia