Proszę o sprawdzenie wypracowania

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam. Uprzejmie proszę o sprawdzenie wypracowania ( wiem, że jest w nim pełno błędów :).

Hi Samantha.
Thanks for your letter and postcard from USA. It was nice surprise to hear from you.
At the beginning please accept my apologies. I'm sorry I haven't writen to you so long, because I had exams in school and I studyied much.
Anyway I'm writting to tell you about my new hobby. I collect all photos and informations from newspapers about group Feel. I enjoy untypical singing of the vocalist Pior Kupicha, This guy has a power and a lot of energy. In leisure I listen Feel's CD, draw only portraits of boys from this group and spend more time searching informations about Feel in Internet. Soon I'll go to their concert!
What will you do on volidays? A'm writting to invite you for visiting me in Poland, too. I'm sure we'll spend a nice time.

Z góry dziękuję za sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów.
Bład ---> W ostatnim akapicie powinno być: What will you do on holidays? I'm writting to invite you for visiting me in Poland, too.

Ponawiam prośbę o sprawdzenie tekstu i poprawienie błędów. :)
Thanks for your letter and THE/A postcard from THE USA. It was A nice surprise to hear from you.
I'm sorry I haven't writTen to you FOR so long, IT IS because I had exams in school and I 'studyied' (ortog) VERY 'much' HARD.
Anyway I'm writing to tell you ...
I collect all photos and 'informations' (information jest niepol-information) from newspapers about THE group Feel. I enjoy THE untypical singing of the vocalist Pior Kupicha, This guy has 'a' (niepotr) power and a lot of energy. In MY leisure TIME I listen TO Feel's CD, draw only portraits of boys from this group and spend more time searching FOR informatioN about Feel 'in' ON THE Internet.
What will you do on YOUR Holidays? 'A'm' (nigdy tego nie widzialam - tutaj I'M) writing to invite you 'for visiting' TO VISIT me in Poland, too. I'm sure we'll spend a nice time (together).
Terri, jestem niezmiernie Ci wdzięczna.


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