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Kate was very inteligent and if something interested her she was good at something. Kate go to school and learn English in it teacher came to her home but Kate even did not homework. When the girl was woman she understood that She need English. If she can this language she will meet some people, for example by net, and Kate was very upset that everyone speak fluently but only she not:( When she has fourteen years old she travel to Italy and she did not speak to anyone because she could not English . But when she did not pass high school finals she undersood that she really must start to learn cdn...
Kate was very intelLigent and if something interested her she was good
at something. Kate 'go' (tutaj czas przeszly WENT) to school and learnED English 'in it' THERE. THE teacher came to her home, but Kate 'even did not homework' (did not do any homework?). When the girl 'was A' (albo lepiej became)A woman she understood that she needED English. If she can (tutaj cos brakuje) this language she will meet some people, for example by 'net' (bedzie chodzila na ryby?)(tutaj through the internet) , and Kate was very upset that everyone WOULD speak fluently but only she WOULD not: 'When she 'has fourteen years old' (w ktorym podreczniku i ktory nauczyciel uczy ze 'she has 14 years old' jest dobrze- przypomnij sobie lekcje z.... I AM 14 years old, ale czas przezszly to SHE WAS) she travelED to Italy and she did not speak to anyone because she could not SPEAK English . But when she did not pass HER high school finals she 'undersood' (ortof) that she really must start to learn.