ciekawe wypracowanko o prywatnosci:) -prosze o spr

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Privacy and intimacy are important for every person. We all have things, feelings and opinions which are only for us and we don't want to share them with other people. Everybody needs privacy and when somebody violates it, we're very angry.
My the most personal thing is my diary. I have written it for 8 years and I describe in it all my life – what I feel and think. It is very helpful. I couldn't show my diary anybody. It's too personal. Few years ago my brothers found and read it. I remember I felt terrible. Fortunately, today they know they can't do it and we trust ourselves.
I also don't like when somebody snoop in my bag or wardrobe. This is my own, my thing and only I have an access to it.
There are some people who don't have the intimacy, for example singers or actors. They are always followed by group of photographers. Reporters are with them almost all the time and people know about them everything: about their illness, arguments with their partners, about shops where they buy clothes... I couldn't imagine myself in this situation.
But some people are very open and don't have any secrets. For example Doda, who told journalists about her divorce or Michał Wiśniewski, who had many cameras in his house and people could watch it in TV. Some people write blogs, where they describe all their life and every person can read it. I don't want to judge them – this is their life and their choice.
Finally, I would like to define privacy and intimacy. In my opinion it is everything which we don't want to show other people. For me it's my diary, for others it could be many different things..
Other people should respect our privacy and we should respect their privacy. That is just trust – something which is necessary to build good relationship.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


CAE - sesja zimowa 2007