prosze o pomoc. Jest to bardzo pilne i wazne dla mnie. Prosil bym o pomoc w daniu odpowiedzi na dwa ostatnie podpunkty:
A murder investigation
Possible crime committed: Murder
Location: Willowdale Court Mansions
Victim: Graham Dunn ( a 56-year-old, divorced estate agent who lived alone)
Clues: rubbish (which had fallen out of it: an apple, some tea bags, a bottle of shampoo, a tin of cat food and a nappy)
Suspects: 1. Rebecca an Stewart ( a couple in their twenties had a baby. Dunn(victim) often complained abut its crying. )
2. Abigail Stratton ( the owner of the flat on the first floor was a divorcee. She have a two cats and she often looked after the baby for the couple downstairs. She offered detective a tea. )
3. Mrs Pritchard ( lived alone on the second floor. She didn’t like Dunn because he all day long played music. )
Possible motives for the crime: ???
Possible solution to the crime: ???
dzieki za pomoc z gory. Jesli ktos by mial czas i checi to bylbym wdzieczny za sprawdzenie tekstu:
Science fiction means: sth. Unreal, sth. That’s not true, some kind of imagine of the future. I really like s.f. but I prefer films from the books because I hate read books. I have watched s.f. films, for example star wars. (because this is my favourite s.f. film) This film consist of six parts by I like only two of last parts. Because they are new west (new parts) and they have got very good special effect. I think some people have huge imagination and they like to see how the life look like in the future. But some people don’t like s.f. because they think that kind of film is incredible.
wszystkich czytajacych przepraszam za bledy ale wynikaja one z mojej slabej znajomosci jezyka angielskiego. bardzo dziekuje wszystkim za pomoc oraz za krytyke bo to tez czasem sie przydaje:) pozdrawiam;]