moge prosic o sprawdzenie?

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"Women worry more about their diet then men."
In my opinion this sentensis is true. I think that women are more interested in quality of food[more interesting about quality of foood]. They checking the quantity of calories and tray don’t eat to much. It couse by pressour of societies. Advertisment about light, healthly food mostyl are adres to women. Sow they wont to loose their weight by recipe for ideal diet. In tvspots, movies, videoclips and on bilbords they can see pretty, slim women. Is a product of work many peple who’s using computer programs to corect models. They show only the end product. After all [mimo wszstko] women wont to achieve this effect in reality. This perfect body/look don’t need to agree with men imagination of ideal women. How ever majority of men have not o be sow restricted about diet. I think it depends of cultur that we live in. It is a stereotyp takt the women is .... [chodzilo mi ze jest odoba mezczyzny... ale nie wiem jak to ma byc] beter side of the man. It is a shame that they do not need to care of their look, diet. Although in this times it is some part of men whose are interested in good looking. They care about whot they eat, exercise to bild helthly body. I suppose in the futur bough sex will be interested in this same way about their diet, health, look.
Prosze pisz powolniej, robisz za duzo bledow ortog- a to nie daje zadnej przyjemnosci. Ja wole poprawiac sens zdan, a nie co chwile prawie kazde slowo z powodu literowek i bledow ortog.
I think that women are more interested in THE quality of food. They 'checking' CHECK the 'quantity' (total) of calories and 'tray' (tray to cos innego-spraw w slowniku- tutaj TRY) 'don't' NOT TO eat toO much. 'It' THIS IS 'couse' (ortog i 'd' na koncu) by 'pressour' (ortog) of societies. AdvertisEmentS about light, healthY food ARE 'mostyl'(ortog) 'are' Niepotr) 'adres' (czas przeszly i czasownik) to women.
'Sow' (Zle slowo-sprawdz) they wont to 'loose' ()ortog) their weight by recipe for ideal diet. To zdanie jest bez sensu - napisz to po polsku.
In tv spots, movies, videoclips and on biLlbords they can see pretty, slim women. 'Is' (ale co? tutaj trzeba THIS) IS a product of THE work OF many 'peple' (ortog) 'who's' (nie, to co napisales to who is? tutaj WHO) usE computer programs to corect models (ale co? models twarze, imperfections?) . . After all women 'wont' (Nie - tutaj WANT -chca) to achieve this
effect in reality. This perfect look 'don't' DOESN'T need to agree with menS
imagination of THE ideal women. However THE majority of men 'have not to be' (DO NOT HAVE TO BE) 'sow' (dlaczego uzywasz czasownika 'sow'-zobacz co to znaczy, tutaj SO) restricted about THEIR diet. I think THAT it ALL depends 'of' ON THE 'cultur' (ortog) that we live in.
It is a stereotypE 'takt' (ortog) the womAn is THE 'beter side of the man' Man's better image) It is a shame that they do not need to care 'of' FOR their lookS AND diet. Although in 'this times' (this to odnosi sie do l. poj a 'these' to l. mnoga - popraw) 'it is some part of men' THERE ARE SOME MEN whO are interested in 'good looks' HOW GOOD THEY LOOK.
'looking' (niepotr). They care about 'whot' (ortog) they eat, THEY exercise to 'bild' (ortog) A 'helthly' (ortog) body.
I suppose THAT in the 'futur' (ortog) 'bough'(ortog) sexES will be interested in this same way about their diet, health AND LOOKS.


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CAE - sesja zimowa 2007