Slowo 'ewentualne' daje mi znac, ze myslisz, to tutaj ich jest malo - niestety-
1). It was 'being' (nie rozumiem uzycia 'being' tutaj) about 6 o'clock in the
afternoon when I set off. 'Firstly' FIRST I made a decision 'drive on the car' (jezdic NA samochodzie? - TO DRIVE BY CAR) .
2). When I was driving 'a' THE car I stopped 'on' AT the station petrol. I 'have' (niepotr) 'eaten' ATE a takeaway. I didn't buy ANY petrol AS I have TO admit THAT petrol is more expensive in London than in France.
3)Unfortunately Great Britain is an island, so I couldn't afford to 'flying' FLY to France by plane because IT WOULD cost too much.
4).I 'have' (zle uzycie slowa 'have') put my car on a train and I 'coverer' (ortog) in the Channel Tunnel for about 'one hour and half' AN HOUR AND A HALF.
5). When I was driving 'on' (niepotr) the car FOR 10 minutes 'later' (niepotr) I forgot TO drive on the right. I have never driveN on the right!
I felt JUST like a child when she was threateninG me with HER finger.
6). I have never BEEN as exhausted as then. I decided TO stoP at the
service station because I wanted A tank 'a' OF petrol. I 'don't' DIDN'T forgEt THAT petrol is cheaper in France so IT was good idea.
7). When I was 'boring' BORED DURING THE 'travel' (tutaj uzyj slowo journey) I listened to music and ate chips. My 'travel' JOURNEY was too long, too expensive and too boring. 'Altought' (ortog) the hotel looked 'like' (niepotrzebnie to like- to wyglada tak jakby 'niby' bylo great)
I don't know why BUT my feet 'are killed me' (co to? WERE KILLING ME...
I 'always was' (zla kol slow - WAS ALWAYS) addicted to flying, but 'know' (wiem?) NOW I prefer going by car...