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Kathleen Robertson of Austin. Texas took a furniture store to court for medical costs and physical and mental suffering. She had broken her ankle after falling over a litte boy who was running wild inside the store. The store owner was rather suprised to be the accused in a court case. The little boy was Ms Robertson's son!
Mother Stumbles, Store Owner Sued, Toddler Walks

Kathleen Robertson of Austin, Texas is suing a furniture store owner for medical costs and mental suffering after her unruly little boy caused her to fall and break her ankle in the defendant's store.
>Kathleen Robertson of Austin, Texas is suing a furniture store owner for medical >costs and mental suffering after her unruly little boy caused her to fall and >break her ankle in the defendant's store.

Gab, shouldn't it be : Kathleen Robertson of Austin, Texas, is suing...
>Gab, shouldn't it be : Kathleen Robertson of Austin, Texas, is

The comma is essential in there - Texas being in apposition should be surrounded by commas, I'm afraid. Now it's Texas that is suing the furniture store, not Katheleen Robertson.


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