MY school - proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu

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When I look back on my childhood I always feel happy. It was a carefree time. When I attended to primary school I liked all subjects, therefore any subject didn’t cause me difficulty. I knew everything what we taught during the lessons, and I could answer every question. The school were my favorite place in this time. I had the school report with red belt. However I wasn't a swot and the teachers liked me, especially the math's teacher. My others teachers liked me too, therefore I liked them also , but all changed when I went to secondary school. Everybody knows that learning in secondary school are more difficult than in primary school. In my high school all pupils had school report with red belt. My primary school represented the high level of teaching but the education was easy and pleasant. In the secondary school wasn’t the same easy and colorful. I didn’t like all the subjects and all teachers. I liked the most my teacher with history. He gave us once good advice "how to survive at school” ? He said " we should become fond subject or teacher " and this was truth. My favorite subject at school was mathematics, chemistry and accountancy. In the foreground was physical education. I wanted to go at The Physical Education Academy since elementary school, but in fourth class of high school I broke my leg and I had to alter plans. My parents wanted me became lawyer, but this profession requires total commitment because first I should have finish low school, next I ouht to make barrister's application .
By the time I would become good counselor a many summers would pass. And I had different plans. I wanted to have husband and two children, but it is such joke : “ What to make God’s laugh : to tell him about yours plans.” (Jest taki żart : Jak rozśmieszyć Pana Boga : opowiedzieć mu o swoich planach)

Końcówka pewnie będzie tragiczna , ale mam nadzieję że ktos mi pomoże. Pozdrawiam i dziekuje.