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Dear Michael
How are you? I hope you're well. I'm writing this letter because I would like to tell you about my new animal. When I was at home I heard barking so I decided to check it. When I go downstairs I saw a man who was beating a dog. Then I approached to the man and I said "Fuck off". Cowar run away. At the time I approached to the dog and I took him home. Confidently now you are thinking "Why you did it?" I did it because he was so lovely. My Mother and Father weren't satisfied cause of new animal but I persuaded their. Anyway I had some problems with the dog like pissed sofa etc but now he is separate of living room. Everyday I have to walk the dog three times. It makes me tired but I am reconciling it.
Take care,

Wiem, ze moj angielski jest beznadziejny, ale staram sie.

Z gory dziekuje za sprawdzenie.



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