proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. chcesz wynająć mieszkanie w Anglii. Umieść krótkie ogłoszenie w lokalnej gazecie, w którym
-napisz ze szukasz mieszkania do wynajęcie
- podaj na jak długo chcesz je wynająć
- podaj preferowana lokalizacje
- podaj 2 sposoby skontaktowania się z tobą

2. Niedawno zmieniłaś pracę. Napisz list do kolegi z Anglii, w którym
- napisz ze zmieniłaś prace i podaj powód
- poinformuj gdzie teraz pracujesz i jakie są twoje obowiązki
- napisz jak się czujesz w nowej sytuacji i kogo poznałeś w nowym miejscu pracy
-podaj swój adres e-mail i poproś aby wkrótce do ciebie napisał.

Attention !!!

I looking for well furnished flat to rent. I would like to rent the small flat on 6 months. The flat should be situated next to Covent Garden Theatre or district Soho.
Contact me on 2588416641 or [email]


Dear Jim,
Thank you for your letter. At the beginning of my letter I want to greet you. I’m fine, and you? In this letter I would like to tell you about my new job.
I decided to change my job, because my old job wasn’t suitable for me. I had to many work hours and I didn’t free time. Now I work in travel agency in the centre of London. I reckon that this job is for me, because I’m talkative and cheerful. I must convince people to use offers of our office. I am also dealing with preparing advertisements about trips and holidays. Of course I am also helping with the organization of trips and holidays. This work is giving me a lot of satisfaction. I adore to talk to people and to be with them all the time alert, thanks to this work I can. Every day I get to know new people much. Recently I have got to know handsome man...who invited me for coffee. :)
This is my e-mail : [email] I hope that you write to me. I’m waiting for your e-mail. Greetings for you and your family.

Best wishes,
I looking for 'A' well furnished flat to rent.
..small flat 'on' FOR 6 months. The flat should be situated next to Covent
Garden Theatre or IN 'district' (wg mnie niepotr) Soho.

At the beginning of my letter I want to greet you (mozna dodac warmly).
I'm fine, and (how are) you?
I had toO many 'work hours' HOURS OF WORK and I didn't HAVE ANY free time.
Now I work in A travel agency in the centre of London.
I must convince people to use THE offers of our office.
..all the time alert, AND thanks to this work I can.
Every day I get to know new people 'much' (nie, chyba masz na mysli MANY new people)
Recently I have got to know A handsome man. (Tylko uwazaj na siebie, bo wszystko zaczyna sie od tego.....-:)


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie

