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„Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” is an adaptation of book written by J.K. Rowling. It is the 5th installment out of 7 in the story of Harry Potter. The release date in Poland was 27.07.2007. I recently watched this movie, and I must say I wasn't impressed. The film stars Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, Emma Watson as Hermione Granger and Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley. This are three main characters in the movie.

The plot of this part is focuses on a secret organization, the Order of the Phoenix which recruits Harry, and prepared for a return of Lord Voldemort.
The whole adaptation is showing the story very broadly. The book has got about 1000 pages which is impossible to compress in short time. The script is dull and very foreseeing even for those who didn't read the book. The final scene don't bring us anything new. What is more the award in the worst scene in the film goes to a scene of Harry and Cho Chang kissing, which was dubled about 30 times.

All in all, the 1st screenplay of Harry Potter was very good and impressed many people. It cause fans waiting for next parts. But the "Potteromania" frenzy is pass irrevocable repeatedly with every new adaptation ( Szał potteromani bezpowrotnie przeminął)
Cos mi sie tutaj nie podoba - niektore zdania sa napisane prawie przez 'nativa' a niektore nie sa gram. Czyzby, one byly pisane przez ta sama osobe?

"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" is an adaptation of 'A' book...
The release date (ksiazki czy filmu?) in Poland was 27.07.2007.
I recently watched this 'movie' (chyba 'film')a, and I must say I wasn't impressed.
'This' (ale 'this' odnosi sie tylko do l. poj - a tutaj masz 3 postacie i jeszcze 'are') are THE three main characters in the movie.

The plot of this part 'is' (co to 'is' tutaj robi - z czym sie laczy?) focuses on a secret organization, the Order
of the Phoenix which recruits Harry, and 'prepared' (jak recruits-czas ter. to tez uzyj ten sam czas pozniej - nie mieszaj czasow w jednym zdaniu) for a return of Lord Voldemort.
The whole adaptation 'is showing' SHOWS the story very broadly. The book has
'got about 1000 pages' (about? to nie mozna policzyc ile tych stron jest? IS xxx pages long) which is impossible to 'compress' (?)(ale compress into what?) in A short time.
The script is dull and 'very foreseeing' (to nie jest po ang- prosze o cos innego) even for those who 'didn't' HAVEN'T read the book.
The final scene 'don't' (prosze NIE uzywac tego - ewidentnie nie wiesz jak to uzywac - tutaj DOES NOT) bring us anything new.
What is more the award (jaka award?) 'in the worst scene in the film goes to a scene' (cos tutaj nie tak-prosze napisz inaczej) of Harry and Cho Chang kissing, which was 'dubled' (nie wiem co masz na mysli - nie ogladalam filmu ani nie czytalam ksiazki - czy doubled? czy dubbed?) about 30 times.
All in all, the '1st' FIRST screenplay of Harry Potter was very good and
impressed many people. 'It cause' (cos tu nie tak) fans waiting for next parts. But the Potteromania frenzy 'is'(ale wersja poska mowi o 'przeminal') 'pass' (czas przeszly - bo przeciez przeminal) irrevocable 'repeatedly'(nie wiem czy to jest potrzebne) with every new adaptation.- Napisz to danie jeszcze raz.
z tym compress chodzi mi o to ze trudno jest strescic wydarzenia z ksiazki w filmie ktorego czas jest dosc krotki, albo ze trwa ok. 2 godzin.

The script is dull and 'very foreseeing' - moze byc predictible ?

Jezeli chodzi o ta scene to chodzilo mi o to ze jest to najgorsza scena w filmie i byla dublowana/ powtarzana 30 razy przez aktorow i wyglada sztucznie.

It cause' fans waiting for next parts - chodzi o to, ze pierwsza czesc spowodowala ze fani czekali na nastepne.
>> 'strescic' (CONDENSE)
>The script is dull and 'very foreseeing' - moze byc 'predictible' (moze i to jest to wlasciwe slowo)
> was the worse scene in the whole film, and as it had to have at least 30 takes, it looks 'unreal' (moze inne slowo-ale reszta zdania to tak).
>'It cause fans waiting for next parts - The brilliant first part causeD the fans to anxiously wait for the others, however...
sorry, nie zauwazylam
Ok teraz juz wszystko wiem i jest elegancko :) dziekuje za pomoc
Czy jest mozliwosc usuniecia tego tematu ? Nie chcialbym za bardzo zeby ktos korzystal z mojego wypracowania :)
nie ma takiej obawy - ludzie tutaj b. malo korzystaja z wyszukiwarki.
a po wpisaniu frazy na google ? sadze ze wyszuka ten tekst i ktos niepowolany moglby miec do niego dostep ;) jeszcze raz bardzo dziekuje za pomoc, na szybko napisalem i wrzucilem bo nie bylem pewny niektorych zwrotow...
"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" is an adaptation of book written by J.K. Rowling. It is the 5th installment out of 7 in the story of Harry Potter. The release date in Poland was 27.07.2007. I recently watched this movie, and I must say I wasn't impressed. The film stars Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter, Emma Watson as Hermione Granger and Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley. This are three main characters in the movie.

The plot of this part is focuses on a secret organization, the Order of the Phoenix which recruits Harry, and prepared for a return of Lord Voldemort.
The whole adaptation is showing the story very broadly. The book has got about 1000 pages which is impossible to compress in short time. The script is dull and very foreseeing even for those who didn't read the book. The final scene don't bring us anything new. What is more the award in the worst scene in the film goes to a scene of Harry and Cho Chang kissing, which was dubled about 30 times.

All in all, the 1st screenplay of Harry Potter was very good and impressed many people. It cause fans waiting for next parts. But the "Potteromania" frenzy is pass irrevocable repeatedly with every new adaptation ( Szał potteromani bezpowrotnie przeminął)

Kto napisal to recenzje czy mógłby napisać jej spolszczenie z góry dzięki :)
>>>Kto napisal to recenzje czy mógłby napisać jej spolszczenie z góry
dzięki :)
Przepraszam, czy ja to dobrze zrozumialam - nie tylko chcesz skorzystac z 'gotowki' (juz wczesniej napisanej) ale jeszcze miec ja po polsku? Wstyd!!!
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