sprawdzenie - krótki esej

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The Advent starts four Sundays before Christmas. This is a time for spiritual preparation for the birth of Christ.
Wigilia is the Polish name for Christmas Eve. Dinner starts when the first star appears on the sky. Menu for this occasion is traditional, unchanging and very carefully planned. It contained only food from forest, fields, lakes and orchards. Meat don`t allow on Christmas Eve. The special dinner begins with the breaking of the Opłatek - Wafer. People share white wafer and wish one another all the best: good health and good luck in new year. After that everyone sits down at the table.. The meal always begins with soup, such a Christmas red borscht with mushrooms and uszka dumplings. Typical dishes include carp in aspic, herrings, prune dumplings, noodles with poppy seed. The Christmas Eve dinner concludes with family members gine gifts to one another and they sing carols. Some families attens the traditional midnight mass - Pasterka.
..first star appears 'on' IN the sky.
It containS only food from THE forest, fields, lakes and orchards. Meat 'don`t allow' IS NOT ALLOWED on Christmas Eve.
...good health and good luck in THE New Year.
...with mushrooms and 'uszka dumplings' (napisz dumplings shaped like little ears).
..dinner concludes with family members 'gine' GIVING gifts to one another and 'they sing' SINGING carols. Some families attenD the traditional
Midnight Mass -..
za to również p. Terri dziękuję


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