proszę - niech ktoś uprzejmy sprawdzi

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
In the 1920s L.M.Terman initiated long-term studies of mentally gifted individuals. He chose 1500 children with the highest IQ scores and focused his researches on them.
Even after Terman’s death his study is still in progress. His sample of bright people have been retested and interviewed by psychologists.
The study results show that gifted people don’t fit the existing stereotypes often associated with them and that they experience advantages in virtually everything. Most of Terman’s children reached great successes in their adult life.

To jest streszczenie tekstu z podręcznika, dlatego nie ma szczegółowych informacji. Chodzi mi głównie o sprawdzenie ortografii, interpunkcji i ewentualnie czy dobrałam odpowiednie słowa do kontekstu. Z góry dziękuję!
his researches - his research (researches jest ryzykowne)
His sample - His samples
don't fit - don't match
great successes - great success
adult life - adult lives
>his researches - his research (researches jest ryzykowne)

jak juz ktos bardzo chce zachowac l. mnoga, to mozna to tak zapisac:
his research projects/programmes

a z success to bardziej pasuje 'achieve great success'
dziękuję Wam bardzo za pomoc i jeśli ktoś ma jeszcze jakieś zastrzeżenia, to piszcie!
W powaznych tematach nie dajemy formy 'don't'
The study results show that gifted people 'don't' DO NOT fit the existing stereotypes often associated with them and that they experience advantages in virtually everything. (Dla mnie tutaj brakuje jakie 'advantages')


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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