krotkie cwiczonka

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
a) Change the sentences from present to past.
1. Today is Sunday. -> Yesterday _was_ Saturday.
2. Where are you now? -> Where _were_ you yesterday.?
3. We are in Munich today. -> We _were_ in Berlin yesterday.
4. I'm in Italy this month. -> I _was_ in France last month.
5. My father's a pilot. -> My grandfather _was_ a pilot too.
6. It isn't open now. - >It was open this morning.
7. Why aren't you at work today? -> Why _were_ you at work yesterday?

b)Complete the dialogues with was, wasn't, were, or weren't.
A. _Were_ you and Susan at the party night?
B. Yes, we were.
A. _Was_ it good?
B. No, it _wasn't_ .The music _was_ awful. Where were you?
A. I _was_ ill.
A. Where _were_ you born?
B. I _was_ born in Australia in 1919.
A. _Were_ your parents Australian?
B. No, they _weren't_. My mother _was_ Italian and my fother _was_ Greek.

c)Rewrite the sentence in the past simple with yesterday.
1. I watch TV. -> I watched TV yesterday.
2. Do you listen to the radio? -> Did you listen to the radio yesterday?
3. We study English. -> We studied English yesterday.
4. He doesn't work. -> He didn't do work.
5. The film finishes at 7.00. -> The film finished yesterdayat 7.00.
6. I don't like the film. -> I don't liked the film yesterday.
7. Does she smoke? -> Did she smoke?
8. They play tennis. -> They played tennis.

d) Complete the sentences with a verb in the past simple.
arrive, not book, land, live, stay, not remember, turn on, want, watch.
I _turned on_ the TV.

1. We _stay_ in a three-star hotel last year.
2. They _not book _ a table and the restaurant was full.
3. _Did_ you _watched_ the football on TV last nigt?
4. Sorry. I _not remembered it was your birthday yesterday.
5. I _lived_ with m parents when I was a student.
6. Why _want_ you _was_ to be a doctor?
7. He _arrived _ last for work and the boss was angry.
8. Ehen the plane _landed_ she _turned on_ her mobile phone.

e)Complete the text with the verbs in brackets in the past simple.
1. My boyfriend _bought_ me a beautiful jacket. (buy)
2. In the evening we _went_ out. (go)
3. I _ware_ my new jacket. (wear)
4. We _ looked_ for a Chinese restaurant (look)
but we _couldn't_ find one, (not can)
so we _had_ dinner in our favourite Itaian restaurant. (have)
5. After that we _saw_ a film. (see)
6. Then we _met_ two friends at nightclub. (meet)
7. We _danced_ for two hours. (dance)
8. We _didn't get_ home until 3.00. (not get)

f) Complete the questions in the past simple.
1. What _you ware_ ? (you/wear)
2. Where _you went_? (you/go)
3. What _you did)? (you/do)
4. _Did your sister went_ with you? (your sister/go)
5. What _you had_ to eat? (you/have)
6. What time the party finished? (the party/finish)
7. What time _you got home_? (you/get home)
8. _Did_ you had_ a good time?

Czy moze tak…?? :

1.What did you wear?
2.Where did you go?
3.What did you do?
4.Did your sister go with you?
5.What did you have to eat?
6.What time did the party finish?
7.What time did you get home?
8.Did you have a good time?

Albo… jeszcze inaczej??:)
7. Why aren't you at work today? -> Why _were_ you at work

Dlaczego NIE byłeś....czegoś brakuje w Twoim zdaniu.

4. He doesn't work. -> He didn't do work.

Popatrz na zdanie w czasie teraźniejszym, "do" jest tam tylko raz (w doesn't). W czasie przeszłym też powinno być tylko raz, a Ty masz dwa razy (w didn't i potem samo do)

>6. I don't like the film. -> I don't liked the film yesterday.
Nie. "don't" to czas teraźniejszy; konstrukcja "don't liked" nie istnieje.

>1. We _stay_ in a three-star hotel last year.
stay to czas teraźniejszy, nie przeszły.

>2. They _not book _ a table and the restaurant was full.
samo "not book" nie może być; brakuje operatora

>3. _Did_ you _watched_ the football on TV last nigt?
Jak jest "did", to czasownik nie może być w czasie przeszłym (bo did już jest w czasie przeszłym)

>4. Sorry. I _not remembered it was your birthday yesterday.
Brakuje operatora + przeczytaj wyjaśnienie wyżej do 3.

6. Why _want_ you _was_ to be a doctor?
To znaczy: dlaczego chcesz był być lekarzem?
Potrzeba tu operatora czasu przeszłego i czasownika "chcieć". "był" nie ma miejsca w tym zdaniu.
3. I _ware_ my new jacket. (wear)
sprawdź jak jest past simple od "wear". nie jest to "ware".

>1. What _you ware_ ? (you/wear)
>2. Where _you went_? (you/go)
>3. What _you did)? (you/do)
>4. _Did your sister went_ with you? (your sister/go)
>5. What _you had_ to eat? (you/have)
>6. What time the party finished? (the party/finish)
>7. What time _you got home_? (you/get home)
>8. _Did_ you had_ a good time?

Te wszystkie są źle.

Poprawnie jest tak jak napisałaś później.
>Czy moze tak...?? :
>1.What did you wear?
>2.Where did you go?
>3.What did you do?
>4.Did your sister go with you?
>5.What did you have to eat?
>6.What time did the party finish?
>7.What time did you get home?
>8.Did you have a good time?

TAK. Zapamiętaj sobie raz na zawsze: jeśli operator jest w czasie przeszłym (did), to czasownik głowny nie może być w czasie przeszłym.

Podobnie jest w 3. osobie l. pojedynczej w czasie present simple.
W zdaniach twierdzących dodajemy "s" lub "es" np.

John gets up at 6 am.

W pytaniach i przeczeniach, to "s" przechodzi do operatora:

What time does John get up?
John does not get up at 6 am.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie