my house

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosiłbym o zwrócenie uwagi na błędy:

My house is quite big and nice. There's a garden behind it. In the house are a bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, a dining room, a hall and three rooms. One room is me. My room is very nice, but it's often untidy. My desk is next to the window and there's a laptop, some notebooks, some school books and a pen on it. In the schelf of desk there's my mobile phone and mp3 player. The bed is in front of my desk. I read a lot of computer magazines and books. There are on schelf of bed. The lamp is on it, too. In front of the door, in the corner there's a armchair. Above my armchair there's a calendar. The wordrobe is near the armchair. In first shelf there are my school books. In second shelf there are my clothes. In the third shelf there are dictionaries. Chair usually there's near the desk.
a dining room, a hall and 'three rooms' (to znaczy jakie? - tutaj chyba masz na mysli bedrooms - ale bedroom to wczesniej juz napisales?-cos tu nie tak).
One room is 'me' (nie ty nie jestes 'a room' room jest DLA ciebie FOR ME).
'In' ON the 'schelf' (ortog) of THE desk there's my mobile phone and AN mp3 player.
'There' THEY are on THE 'schelf' (ortog) of THE bed.
The 'wordrobe' (ortog) is near the armchair. 'In' ON THE first shelf 'there' (niepotrz) are my school books. 'In' ON THE second shelf 'there' (niepotr) are my clothes. 'In' ('In' to generalne znaczy 'w' a tutaj mowisz 'na' ON) the third shelf there are dictionaries. THE chair IS usually 'there's' (niepotr) near the desk.

a co powiecie o takich zdaniach:
The living room is the biggest room in my house. "After right from" entry there's the kitchen.

tego zwrotu w cudzysłowiu jestem bardzo niepewien
"After right from" (tego to nawet nie rozumiem - 'potem prawo od' po jakiemu to jest?) entry there's the kitchen.
po prawej od...
>Po prawej od...
domyslilam sie co mial na mysli, ale ....To the right of the...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Studia językowe